Okay I know I'm an idiot but I am so angry at this fu%ing game! I went to change the video settings in the menu on BF2142 and I changed the resolution to... idk the last on, and I think it was at 75hertz or w/e and all of a sudden my monitor goes black and a default screen for the monitor comes up and says frequency is out of range, here's what I need to figure out how to do, i need to change the resolution of the game but since the ******* game doesn't do a little accept thing after you change the options to make sure something works/ so this doesn't happen, it doesn't sonow everytime I run it it comes up to a black screen and I can hear it. How the hell do I do this, yeah I'm pissed this isn't the first problem I've had with BF2142.Battlefield 2142 Video Error?
Ok, not to be mean, but it's not the game's fault you didnt research what resolution your monitor could support. That aside, try the below link to get your game working again... go to the section about setting a custom resolution, and substitute a resolution your monitor supports for the one they show in the example... good luck hope this helps