I just got a new cellphone.
Whenever I play a video on my new cell, only the sound came out! No image at all! The image froze! I downloaded avi videos %26amp; converted them to mp4 %26amp; 3gp (320 x 240 resolution) using MediaCoder. I can't figure out why! I tried using other converter but the same thing happened. Tried changing the video resolution %26amp; size and stuff but still didn't work! What could really be the cause??
My new cell is LG KS360 if that matters.
And NO, it's not because I got a bad unit because 2 of my sisters got the same phone %26amp; they can't play videos on their phones too!
KS360 DOES have video playback! It says so on the manual. Plus, I saw many YouTubers who own KS360 are able to play mp4 %26amp; 3gp videos smoothly.
I also saw this one guy on a forum who faced the same exact problem %26amp; the next few days, he said problem solved %26amp; he is now able to play videos smoothly on KS360 %26amp; he was very happy and unfortunately he didn't state how. I PMed him but he never did reply to my PM.
Thanks!How do I put videos on my cellphone?
try www.cnet.com. Type in your product name, and you will get loads of info about it.