First you probably want do know what CCC is, well CCC is Catalyst Control Center. This is like the display settings window built into your system, but instead this got installed for the new video card i got.
The control center is useful, it has a whole bunch of things that can be changed around and adjusted.
I wanted to know if you can adjust something in the ccc, so that when my system changes resolution, the system wont freeze. Because everytime i play a game for example, the system freezes very soon after the resolutuion changed. I found this nifty thing in the ccc, it says that my monitor has a max resolution of 1440x900, i think that this may be causing the problem. However, even when changing the resoultion to a smaller setting, my system still freezes. So do i need to change resolution?
Next, i found that my monitor has a max refresh rate or 75 Hz. I do not know what happens when i play games. Its possible that that refresh rate becomes too high and my monitor cant handle it. This is also a possibility but i dont know...
Lastly the ccc has a 3D refresh rate override, i do not know what this is but this is also one of my bets that it could be causing the problem. The ccc says: By default, some full screen applications operate at a refresh rate of 60 Hz, instead of the desktop refresh rate.
~back to me now- the 3D override gives me many options to change the Hz, ranging from 30 to 200. My current set Hz for 3D override is 75, should i lower or higher this?
Those things above are my most likely answers, but if not ccc has other things that can cause a problem, i will list:
1- ccc has an option that says: For displays of limited resolution capabilities, select either:
-List only those modes supported by all displays
-Only allow panning on limited-resolution displays
-List all possible modes(including panning modes)
~me againg- so what does panning mean, does it cause a problem with resolution?
Lastly, some more options in ccc are
-Anti-alliasiong (currently set to 4x)
-Anisotropic Filtering (no idea what this is, currently set a 4x)
-Wait for vertial refresh ( i dont know what this does, but its set a off, i can adjust on or off)
-Adaptive anti-aliasing (improves quality, currently off)
- OpenGL settings: Tripple buffering, improves the frame rate of games when vertical sync (V-Sync) is enabled and the frame rate is less than the refresh rate.
Thats it for now, there is much more to ccc, but i dont think they pertain to my problem. I know this is super long but im desperate for answers, please help me!!How can i fix my video card freezing with CCC?
Always use the native refresh rate based on your monitor not the max refresh rate.