Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I can't change my screen resolution...?

I recently reinstalled a new version of Windows XP onto my computer. I've gotten most of the drivers working again but the graphics isn't letting me change my screen resolution from the giant-looking 800x600 to my normal 1024x768. When I try to switch, it goes black with a screen saying %26quot;video mode not supported.%26quot; How can I make the screen reso change itself?I can%26039;t change my screen resolution...?
You need the drivers for your system's video card. Otherwise, all you'll have are the generic Windows VGA drivers which usually don't go higher than 800x600x16 bits. If you still have the driver disk that came with your computer, try that. Otherwise, find out what graphics system your PC has, either form the manual or Googling it online. If it's a common graphics system, then you shopuld be able to find drivers online at the graphics manufacturer's site.

You could also look in the Hardware manager at what graphics system is installed. Use the Windows-Break key combo to get into the system properties.I can%26039;t change my screen resolution...?
It sounds like you don't have current video card drivers.

Try this;

1) connect to the internet (assuming you are dial out or if always connected no issue)

2)RH mouse click on my computer RH not LH

3)Drop down to Properties - the bottom selection

4)LH mouse click on Properties

5)Select with LH mouse click Hardware

6)LH Mouse select %26quot;Device Manager%26quot;

7)LH Mouse select from the devices %26quot;Display Adapters%26quot;

8)RH, not LH, Mouse click on your video Adapter

9)LH mouse click on %26quot;Update Driver%26quot;

10) Select update driver this one time (Top Selection %26quot;This time only%26quot;)

11)Select %26quot;install the software automatically%26quot;

12)Select next on the bottom

13)It should go on the net, if this is a MS Supported Video Card, update the drives and if it does so then click finish.

14) Then try to change the video settings

If it doesn't do an update and says cannot do update then you will need to go to your MFG's site, Like They will ask what you want to do in one verbage or another similar to below.

select support, then software, then drivers, then it will or already did ask for your model and or ID tag, download the video drive and run the install and then after, mostlikly rebooting attempt to adjust your video pixal settings.

Good Luck and I hope this helps.

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